Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Return of the Repile Man

Yes! The Reptile Man is returning to the Monroe Community Library on Wednesday, May 21st at 3:30 pm. He'll be at the Fire Hall again because we are expecting another big crowd. So, come early if you want to get a good seat.

Richard Ritchey's educational presentation will include over a dozen reptiles. Come learn about snakes, tortoises, turtles and lizards!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

South Benton Library Project News by Catie Mange

Happy Spring! The efforts towards a new Monroe Library are steadily moving forward. However we still need more volunteers from the community to assist us with publicizing our efforts and the progress we’ve made. We meet regularly each month at the Monroe Fire Hall on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. Call 847-5174 if you have any questions regarding these meetings. Please join us to learn more about what we’re doing and how you can help.

A couple of weeks ago we sent you an income survey for the South Benton Library Project. If you haven’t returned that survey form please fill it out and send it back now. We are very close to having enough responses for a valid survey, but we still need a few more completed forms. If you’ve lost the form, please call Scott Wilson and he can take your information. His number is 541.924.8473 (daytime) or 541.753.2156 (evening).

Thank you for your cooperation and we hope to see you at the next meeting

Happenings at the Monroe Community Library

Now that we have made it through tax season, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief! But wait, you still have to deal with high gas prices and the high cost of just about everything else. There is good news at your library in Monroe! We're local! For most of you we are just a short walk or bike ride away. No gas involved! We have so much to offer you too. If you check out our website, you can see that we are more than just a small city library. Monroe's library is a branch of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library. This means that you have access to everything that is in either the main library in Corvallis, the Philomath Library, Alsea's new library or the Bookmobile. You can request anything you see on our library's website and, using your library card number with PIN, it will be brought to you here at the Monroe Library! You'll get an email or a phone call telling you it's here and you can come down and pick it up. It's that simple. Don't see what you want on our website? Heard of a new book that the library doesn't own yet? You can request the library to buy it! Remembered an old book that was a childhood favorite and you don't see that we have it? We can put out an Inter-Library Loan request. This means our library borrows it from another library for you! Now that's service!

I am pleased to announce the return of "The Reptile Man" on Wednesday, May 21st at 3:30pm. The Reptile Man has been a big hit in Monroe for a few years now, so if you missed him last year, here's your chance to enjoy some really creepy crawly friends! After school ends in June, we will again have our Summer Reading Program here at the library. This year's them is "Catch the Reading Bug!" There will be a slight change in the day of the week we will have performers here at the library. This year's performers will come on Wednesday afternoons at 12:30 pm. If your children attend the Art in the Park program, they will be walked to the library for our Summer Reading Program performances each week. Look for flyers at the library and coming home with your kids from school soon. We will also be having fun things for the teens to do at the library as usual this summer.

See you soon at the Library!