Thursday, June 28, 2007

SBLP Meeting Minutes June 11, 2007

Craig Pelkey gave the financial report: Little has changed since last meeting. We have not received the $20,00.00 donation that was discussed in last meeting. We remain hopeful.

Lori Pelkey brought the historic preservation award that we received for our efforts to preserve the train depot as part of our project. Dena Elliott and Randy George and Lori were our representatives at the event.

Randy George has received a bid for our logo to be put on a banner. Larry Buckles will be doing the work. Cost will be approximately $1,000. We’re hoping Friends of the Library will help with this cost. The banner will be put on the Train Depot building facing the highway in hopes of generating interest and enthusiasm from the community.

Our logo was also present at the Monroe Fun Run.

Jenny Gray has worked with our digital files so that they may be used for cards, letterhead, etc.

FUNDING: We reviewed information that was gathered on the various organizations and foundations that we would like to pursue. A comprehensive funding plan needs to be designed. We will probably form a sub-committee for funding. Our strategy remains to get the initial architectural designs funded and completed

We also need to bring more community people into the project.

We could use a historian.

Next meeting: July 9, 2007 7:00pm

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Begg

Banner for the Depot

A HUGE thank you to the Friends of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library for their financial support for the banner that will soon appear on the depot! The Friends recognized our need to get the word out to the public just exactly what this building that magically appeared across from the Monroe High School will be used for. The 4'x30' banner is ready to be picked up and installed on the side of the depot for everyone to admire. Big cheers all around!

Want to Contribute?

It's been mentioned several times that there are patrons and community members who are interested in donating to the South Benton Library Project. If you are someone who would like to donate, or know of anyone who does... here is our address!

South Benton Library Project
P.O. Box 591
Monroe, OR 97456

Monday, June 04, 2007

Congratulations to South Benton Library Project!

Saving the historic train depot was the right thing to do. Preserving the depot for our community will link Monroe's past with it's future. Needless to say the depot has certainly gotten a lot of attention from patrons when passing through town! Last Thursday, South Benton Library Project won the 1st Annual 2007 Historic Resources Preservation Award for it's "extraordinary contribution in preserving Benton County's historic and cultural heritage". Co-chairs Randy George and Dena Elliott were invited to the Art Centric building in Corvallis to receive the award. It was a wonderful evening and we even got to listen as the Mayor of Corvallis read a proclamation naming May 2007 as National Historic Preservation Month. As a treat, the video that was made of the depot moving to it's new location back in March was shown! Congratulations to everyone of South Benton Library Project for saving the depot!